Two Preferred Alternatives Identified In Draft EIS Public comment period open June 25 - August 9
Thank you for your continued interest in the Little Cottonwood Canyon Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) has identified two preferred alternatives to improve transportation in Little Cottonwood Canyon in the Draft EIS. In the Final EIS, UDOT will identify a single preferred alternative.
To identify the preferred alternatives, UDOT considered an alternative’s ability to substantially improve transportation-related safety, reliability, and mobility for all users on S.R. 210 from Fort Union Boulevard through the Town of Alta. UDOT also considered an alternative’s environmental impacts, which includes water quality, air quality, and visual and noise impacts, among others.
Based on the technical analysis conducted, UDOT identified the Enhanced Bus Service in Peak-Period Shoulder Lane as the alternative that best improves mobility and the Gondola Alternative B (base station from La Caille) as the alternative that best improves reliability.
In addition to the preliminary preferred alternatives, other elements have also been developed that would be combined to support each alternative. These include snow sheds (concrete structures built over the roadway to keep it clear of snow in case of avalanches); mobility hubs (larger-capacity park-and-ride lots with transit service); widening and other improvements to Wasatch Boulevard; tolling or single occupancy restrictions; addressing trailhead parking and eliminating winter roadside parking above Snowbird Entry 1.
Detailed information on the preferred alternatives and these elements can be reviewed on the project website.
Please watch the Draft EIS overview provided by UDOT Project Manager Josh Van Jura to learn more about the preferred alternatives and EIS process.
Public comment period open June 25 - August 9
The 45-day Draft EIS public comment period is open from June 25 until August 9, 2021. UDOT is seeking public comment on the preferred alternatives, the environmental impacts associated with each, and other transportation performance considerations. Comments may be submitted at the public hearings, through the website, email, voicemail or sending a letter to the address found in the Contact section of the website.
Electronic comment submissions (website, email) that included an email address should expect an emailed confirmation of receipt. UDOT’s responses to comments made during the formal Draft EIS comment period will be included in the Final EIS.
Public Hearings To Be Held On July 13 & 20 In-person hearing on July 13 & virtual hearing on July 20
Along with the public comment period, UDOT will host an in-person public open house and hearing on July 13 to review the alternatives and answer questions during the open house portion, along with a virtual presentation and public hearing on July 20.
Both public hearings will be live-streamed on the project Facebook Group and the in-person hearing will also be live-streamed to the UDOT Cottonwoods Instagram.
Recordings will be posted on the project website the following day, details on the public hearings and how to participate are posted on the project website.our email template in this text block.
View the video below for more information on the environmental study process the Little Cottonwood Canyon EIS is following. As a reminder, commenting on the Draft EIS is not a vote on an alternative or action, but an opportunity to provide the project team with input regarding the environmental analysis or other factors that UDOT should consider in making a final decision.
The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried out by UDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated January 17, 2017, and executed by FHWA and UDOT.